Knowing the speed of your camera helps !!!
I use different sensor boards to fine tune the speed of the camera on the first picture, then I use the different locations to my advantage to center the animal. This works well with logs and locations where one or two pictures a week would be great. This helps to not miss a great photo, sometimes. In this setting I use a slower setup because of the narrow log and some trees on the left side that will slow the animal down before getting centered in the picture, I even walked the log to get the timing just right for a predator or a deer.
Because of this first picture I knew the camera was too slow, just couldn't believe the deer would have went faster than a walk across this narrow log. With that in mind, I went with a faster setup in the same location.
This next photo shows the frustration that goes with this hobby. If a grown man gets mad, stomps the ground and yells loud in the woods, and nobbody hears this, does it really happen?
A close up of what appears to be a 4x4 buck just starting into the picture, my slower camera would have been perfect timing.