Game Camera Photo Logbook
Welcome to My Game Camera Photo Logbook. Join me as I use hidden game cameras to photograph deer, elk, eagles, hawks, cougar, bear and other animals that live around Mt. St. Helens. So, come along and let's get to know what lands on that stump or walks that log, and explore this forest that the animals call home.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Mink walking a log
Very difficult to get a picture this close of a mink, but this one walked the log and never saw the camera until it was too late. Camera speed is great to work with but hiding the camera is more important for close pictures. If the mink had seen the camera I think it would have never walked the log.
It also takes patience to leave a camera for weeks on end and never get a picture, so be sure to study the animal and know what trails it uses. This increases the odds of getting a good picture.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Young beaver
This young beaver came right up to the camera for a good profile picture. It stayed around for several more photos before leaving. This is the same camera where I got the otter pictures. Headed out to check the cameras in the morning if it's not pouring down rain and will move this camera from the river. This time of the year you never know if it might flood and I have it on the edge of the bank.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Blacktail buck with my Sony P41
I like using the Sony p41 camera with most any type of control board, they are fast and take great pictures. I can use them close and still get all of the animal in the picture. I also try to set them at 10 feet or less for most animals, but for elk I might go to 12 feet depending on the location.
My cameras are set on double picture mode and this is the second or random picture as it walked past. In double picture mode the camera takes the second picture in 10 seconds without needing any motion.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Otter - Mom and pup
Wanted to see if I could get an otter to come onto the shore in a place they don't normally use. Placed a little smoked salmon by the bank and it worked fine. Had used this bait on a landing where I knew otter use but needed to know if I could pick the place just by using the bait.
The picture isn't great but I just needed to get any kind of picture for my study.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Friday, November 02, 2007
Another blacktail buck
This area is getting good for bucks and it's not a place where anyone would think about hunting. I got 2 pictures of him and will show both because the one showing his body looks like he might have some albino genes. Several years ago I got a picture of a doe and fawn with the fawn an albino so believed there must be an albino buck somewhere.
See what you think of the white on his back.